Professional/Psychology Membership
KSh 2,000.00 & Free Shipping
Our Professional membership is strictly for Professionals who have broad knowledge in the scope of dyslexia and have good accreditation or equivalent. It is also for professionals who want their professionalism recognized in the field of dyslexia.
- As a professional member, you have the opportunity to apply to list your service on our website of service providers. Contact to send information about your service.
- Affiliate yourself and service you provide to Dyslexia Organization, Kenya
- Have access to our Facebook page to spread word about the service you provide.
- Network and connect with parents, teachers and all members of International Dyslexia Organization.
- Have access to latest information regarding dyslexia and other learning difficulties.
- Receive discounts on our events, trainings, and merchandise.
- Have access to our supporting member’s platforms on our website and Facebook.
- Dyslexia Contact magazine
- E-newsletter
- Consultation on key policy issues
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